Montlake Project

The Montlake Project will improve transportation for both motorized and nonmotorized travel along the corridor with a new SR 520 eastbound bridge over Union Bay. This project also builds a new, three-acre lid covering the highway in Montlake that will include regional transit stops and open green space. East of the lid, a bicycle and pedestrian bridge will be constructed over SR 520.
Project materials
Community Construction Management Plan
Check out the Montlake Project's Community Construction Management Plan (CCMP), which describes what neighbors can expect during construction, what construction best practices the contractor will follow, and how the contractor will avoid or reduce construction effects on neighborhood residences and historic properties. The CCMP gets updated throughout the project duration based on construction activities and public feedback.
View the Montlake Project's Tree and Vegetation Management and Protection Plan (TVMPP) to learn about project-specific best management practices to preserve, protect and avoid effecting trees and vegetation within the project construction area. The plan identifies ways to minimize effects on trees and vegetation during construction and establishes an implementation plan to ensure best practices are followed.
We are committed to following noise regulations and using best practices to reduce noise. Daytime construction activities observe daytime noise limits set by the city of Seattle. However, some construction activities occur at night due to safety and traffic concerns. The Major Public Project Construction Noise Variance (MPPCNV) is granted by the city of Seattle sets limits for the allowable level of nighttime noise. Read the Montlake Project’s MPPCNV application to learn about nighttime noise limits and commitments.
You can also view the Montlake Project’s weekly noise report and the Montlake Project's 2022 Annual Report.
Read the Montlake Project Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan (NTMP) outlining planned traffic management measures (both temporary and permanent) within the project construction area. The NTMP also describes some of the best management practices that will be used during construction to help reduce local traffic effects related to project construction.
Our project contractors must submit and follow a vibration monitoring plan (VMP). See the Montlake Project’s VMP, which identifies how construction activities will be carried out to stay within the contract’s vibration limits. The plan also shows the locations of the digital vibration monitors.
We strive to the keep the public informed about our project construction activities and effects. We do this through regular public meetings, neighborhood FAQs, community events, and digital communications.